Our Story

How it all started...

In 1988, a little parcel of land and an old Boy Scout hut didn’t look like much, but to Kevin Lee & Judith Diane, it was the beginning of something beautiful. With only 8 people, a pot-bellied stove, and a lot of faith NTCFB was established to be a beacon of hope to all. The church grew as people came to hear the truth of Jesus Christ presented practically, and to experience genuine, life changing love . By the year 2000 we were able to build a brand new facility where most of the work was completed by our members, helping to keep the church completely debt free.  This has given us the opportunity put our money where our faith is, and send ministers all over the world to preach the good news of Jesus Christ.

Expanding the vision...

Pastor Kevin has faithfully preached the gospel all over the US & throughout West Africa while still being an exemplary shepherd of our congregation in Gastonia, NC. Being the visionary & the mentor he has been for decades, he saw the need to raise up “the next generation”. In the Fall of 2022 we began the process of transitioning the church leadership roles to four faithful ministry families: AJ & Kristin Moses, Brent & Loren Grigg, Joshua & Kaitlyn Kellough, and Michael & Chelsea Hawkins. This transition has given us the proud honor of promoting Pastor Kevin to the seat of Bishop Emeritus in October 2023. With the oversight of Bishop Kellough,  the inspiration of these four loving families, and the grace of God, we believe we will see the world become a little bit brighter with the hope of Jesus Christ

Where we are headed...

Friends now for almost 2 decades, these four men are overflowing with God’s love & compassion for creation. They have proven to be quite the team over the years, working in ministry in various facets together. As François Du Toit stated in prayer over these families, “there is absolutely nothing to fear”.  We have faith that these men & their families will lead us to a deeper understanding of God’s immense love, and lead us to love our community more deeply.

The Gathering Echo is a vision that came about through prayer & time together as AJ, Brent, Josh & Michael considered what the future could hold. Our vision for      The Gathering Echo is be an online platform where teachings, podcasts, music, and various forms of ministry can flourish. We invite you to join us at one of our services at New Testament Church or help be part of our online community at The Gathering Echo.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10 am.